The Awards of HCSOS Are Listed Below
ROBERT K. WOOD MEMORIAL - Open to all BHS high school seniors who submit an application. Robert Wood was a local dentist in Harney County. This award was funded by a $15,000 donation in 2019 from his trust upon the death of his wife Bonnie. Award amount varies.
MARION LASHBAUGH MEMORIAL - For female students attending Oregon State University. Marion Lashbaugh was the weighmaster in Harney County for many years and a donation by her brother Robin Lashbaugh in 2004 started this award with $22,087. The award amount varies and is open to high school graduates award to students who have achieved junior status or above at OSU.
ALYCIA JENKINS MEMORIAL - Open to CHS high school seniors who meet specific criteria. Alycia Jenkins was killed in a car accident. This award is funded by her family and began in 2012. This is a $1000 award.
WILLIAM (BILL) RENWICK II MEMORIAL - Open to all Harney County high school seniors who submit an application. Bill Renwick was a very active community member who served on the boards of many organizations in Harney. This award was started in 2019 with a donation of $11,000 from Bill's sister, Lois Renwick, her husband, Jerry Lowe and Judith Kimeldorf. It will be awarded to a student who exemplifies Bill's dedication to community service. This is a $500 award.
BUBBA WRIGHT MEMORIAL - Open to BHS high school seniors. This award began in 2013 and is funded by Bubba's wife, Brenda Wright, who is honoring his wishes to fund student trade school education. Bubba worked for the Harney County road department. This is a $1000 award.
DOUBLE OO SCHOOL - Open to all Harney County high school seniors. This award was started by the Double OO school board in 2013 with funds they had set aside for awards. These funds of $126,175 were invested in an endowment fund . Recipients must have attended Double OO school for at least 3 years. Amount determined annually.
SODHOUSE SCHOOL - Open to all Harney County high school seniors. This award was started by the Sodhouse school board in 2017 with funds they had set aside for scholarships. These funds of $32,530 were invested in an endowment fund. Recipients must reside within the boundaries of the former Sodhouse School District. This is a $1000 award.
BURNS DENTAL GROUP - Open to all Harney County high school seniors. Preference given to students going into dentistry professions. This award was started by Burns Dental Group and is a $500 award.
JACK AND CAROLYN BAUER - Open to all Harney County high school seniors. This award was started by Jack and Carolyn Bauer and is a $500 award.
HARNEY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION - This award is for one CHS senior and one BHS senior who are going into professions of the medical field. Each award is $1000.
KIWANIS ROBERT K WOOD MEMORIAL - Open to all Harney County high school seniors and students who have completed at least one year of higher education. Preference given to students going into medical professions and members of key club. This award was started by Kiwanis Club of Harney County in 2000 with funds shared with the Don Miller award in the amount of $22,796.74. This is a $1000 award.
KIWANIS DON MILLER MEMORIAL - Open to all Harney County high school seniors. Preference given to students going into technical/vocational professions and members of key club. This award was started by Kiwanis Club of Harney County in 2000 with funds shared with the Robert Wood award in the amount of $22,796.74. This is a $1000 award.
ANDREW RENC MEMORIAL This is awarded to students pursuing education in a technical fields such as welding, lineman, beauticians, X-Ray technicians, computer technicians, dental hygiene or other similar fields.
CRANE BOOSTER CLUB This award is for students from CUHS who are involved in community service. Student's parents must be a member of the Crane Booster Club and the student must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.0 or better. A $1000 award will be made to one boy and one girl. Awards will be given after students prove successful completion of their first term at college and provide evidence of enrollment in a second term.
BILL THEW MEMORIAL Bill Thew was a teacher at Crane High School for many years. This award is to Crane High School graduate. Preference given to vocational/technical school applicants. A $500 award may be given to a high school senior or former Crane graduate pursuing ongoing education.
GLENN WILLIAMS This is awarded to students pursuing education in a technical fields such as welding, lineman, beauticians, X-Ray technicians, computer technicians, dental hygiene or other similar fields.
HCSOS AWARDS - These awards are supported annually by donations from current and former residents of Harney County. Annual community donations have been adequate to pay for current awards enabling HCSOS to grow our endowment fund. These awards vary in amount based on funding and are awarded to high school seniors and to students who have attained sophomore status or higher at college.
OLIVE BRIDGE FUND - This award began in 2000 with a $5000 annual donation from the Olive Bridge Fund. For 19 years the Olive Bridge Fund has supported awards in Harney County for students pursuing degrees in helping professions with a $5000 annual donation. These funds are used for students who have attained sophomore status or higher at college.
HELEN FIGG MEMORIAL - This award began in 2011. Helen Figg was a teacher and school counselor at Burns High School for many years. Her children, Michael Figg and Sharon Rushing have been honoring her memory with a $5000 to $7500 annual donation. Preference is given to students pursuing a degree in education or school counselling. These funds are used for students who have attained junior status or higher at college.